Download Chem1 Virtual Textbook


The onllne version of the Chem1 Virtual Textbook is always the most up-to-datefor and probably thr most suitable for individual users. It can be accessed at

Institutional users of these materials may wish to download a copy of the Virtual Textbook for local use and distribution to students in locations that do not have convenient Web access. In order to stay current, it might be advisable to set up a local mirror site; see this PDF file for information on mirroring.

The Virtual Textbook is permanently archived at

The Virtual Textbook is stored as a compressed (zipped) file Please be aware that changes are made to the Virtual Textbook very frequently, but new postings of the downloadable version are made irregularly. 

Please see here to discover the most recent major chapter updates.

The most recent version for download was posted
on 25 April 2018.

To get the most recent version of, click here to download . 

The download package includes a brief README file which explains how to access the main index through a local browser.


After you have downloaded and un-zipped the file (usually done automatically in most browsers), open the chem1vt folder, and open the README.html file within this folder.

If you are unable to open or unzip the file, it may have not downloaded properly. The size of the un-zipped chem1vt file should be around  178 Mb. The file should be around 143 Mb.


Creative Commons License
The Chem1 Virtual Textbook is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License